Upcoming Apex Activities
Interested in seeing Zoe in person? Apex UMC has a trip to Kenya planned. With about 5 more Apex folks, the trip will be curated for our church. The chancel choir has a large group going so we plan to sing for the children we meet and for a church in Kenya. Trip dates are July 15 - 26, 2024. Questions? Contact leeriddick@friendsofzoe.org
New! 5K/10K race - All skills needed and lots of small jobs; Now - Feb. 10, 2024. No experience necessary. We have a Google document where new jobs are frequently added so you can just browse when you have spare time. Currently we need flyers delivered, research that can be done on your computer or phone, Facebook posts shared... everything helps build a good race. More info? Info about the race or for information about helping with the race - Contact leeriddick@friendsofzoe.org
Zoe Soup and Cookies - Opportunities for assembly and prework; Multiple dates Sept. - Oct. Contact Ellen Daniels rainbowbunny@bellsouth.net to make sure you receive the sign-up genius to participate.
Come join the fun at the Art & Gift Market. We will need set-up help Friday, November 3rd and help with our booth on November 4th. Contact Ellen Daniels at rainbowbunny@bellsouth.net.
Virtual Trip Recording